
Gawd, I'm starting to love SHINee! They are so awesome man! I just love this video, Kim Ki Bum, Lee TaeMin and Lee JinKi are so gorgeous! (Bahahaha, they're mine!)
What if I can dance just like them?? Damn, guess I don't have to study anymore! World On-Tour, advertisement, modelling! Can earn up to 200 k half a year. Oh man, wish I could dance like them! This is so unfair, I'm not allow to go for dance classes! Arghhh!

"You can only choose, either Music or singing. DEFINITELY no dancing!"
" Why I can't attend dance classes??"
" Cause your aunt told me it's not good! Look at you lar! Still act like a child, how I know whether you will mix some bad friends."
" What the hell =.="

Just because my aunt told my parents about how bad dancing is, and sooner or later, I'll mix some bad friends and whatever, and end up I can't continue my dance classes. If I insist it, I'll have to pay the fees all by myself. *pffffbt* =-/

Damn weather, Traffic sucks.

Current Music : Give it up to me by Shakira ft Lil Wayne

Went to The Sphere @ Bangsar South yesterday. Well, we drove all the way to Jalan Loke Yew (Cause mum has something to do), then from there we drove to Bangsar Village, after that Bangsar South, and then back to Petaling Jaya for dinner cause it's Jeremy's Birthday. Shiat, the weather sucks to the max, non-stop raining and the traffic was so terrible. It was a massive jam, the cars are damn siao kia but along the way, you can see different cars, like Volksvagen, BMW sport car, and of course some rich asses car! Gawd, I tweeted all the way from Bangsar South to PJ. I just can't stand the bored !
Yesterday's dinner was all about meat. Chicken, Lamb, Beef, lamb shoulder, chicken organs. They smell, but the grill pineapple was awesome! From that day onwards, they named me - Pineapple queen, it's a long story *pffffbt*

I wonder why people have to apply so many scholarships, and when the time they got chosen, they rejected it and apply for another scholarship, and most of them are rich asses. Why ya? Can anyone tell me a? (I'm not pin-pointing anyone here) But please la, don't be so damn selfish la, try to think for those who really needs it. Why are those people can be so inconsiderate?? Arghh, I'm just ranting here. No really in a blogging mood. There are so many things to worry before my result comes out and also before my college starts. I'm just worry about everything. *Pffffbt* Freaking stress.
Am going to Bangsar for 3 months (Don't ask me why, Cause I don't know the reasons as well) starting from Monday. Nothing much to blog bout, ciao now.

It is just that I'm not ready yet.

Current Music : I never told you by Colbie Caillat

I'm still not ready to accept any relationships right now. But I'll appreciate everything you gave me. I've been screwed up once, and I don't want to be screw the second time. I'm giving up on you, cause it's the best way for me and you.

I miss everything about you,
Can't believe that I still want you,
But you have gone before I could say goodbye.

W-inds !

Damn, I love this video! and so do them, W-inds, Japanese group! This song is soooo cool!

No one is trustable

Guys can't be trusted, 100%! Yup, I'm currently watching TEMPTATION OF WIFE, korean drama. Gosh, mum was sooooo crazy over it. This drama not bad wey, it's about a couple having affair with another couple, which is a friend of them  =-/ Nah, I don't wanna be a spoiler.


Currently watching GHOST WHISPERER. And, I don't really know why I love to watch such shit arse horror movie. I watched Ju-On ( New movie) past few days and it really scared the shiat out of me.

OMeffing goodness, the damn poster is sooo horrible.

Plan to watch this at 12.a.m. xD

The ambassador of The Gardens II

Me and my darling <3
Hahahaha, we are "in a relationship"! ROFL

This is what they named it, BLUE OCEAN.

I LOVE you =D

You LOVE me =D

Finally, we had our dinner at Sushi Zenmai! I was like, what the hell is going on?? I was so damn full and almost puke when I eat sushi. Argghh, I would never ever touch sushi again (Long story)


Cold Soba, Tempura, and Unagi (If I'm not mistaken)

I was not in a sushi mood, cause I wanted to eat chinese food.

Currently not in a blogging mood, wanted to watch Taiwan drama again. So, I'm  gonna end with a picture.

The Ambassador of The Gardens!

Current Music : I got you by Leona Lewis

I was suppose to blog few days ago, but I just don't have the blogging mood. So, I went down to Mid-Valley with Darlings and the gangs. I end up buying a ring for myself and the 2 darlings bought a jacket and a pair of short pants. Shiat, I wanted that leather biker jacket so damn much, but No, I can't buy (cause I told myself I have to stop buying things. Arghh!)

Lunch @ Kim Gary and yea, something happened (You know it, Alvin!)

Bosco Wong, I'm not a big fan of him xD

What's with Jia Le's hand? Ooops, sorry,it's my fault! LOL

Hey Jacky! Give me back!! xD

My cream soup!

Darling's soup, Bosch soup (If I'm not mistaken )

Our desserts !

Jia Le's Tropical Rainforest!

After that, we headed to The Gardens, and the *ahem* couple went dating.

Fifi boy! Hahahaha,we asked him to strike the pose!

Domo-what? Hahaha, Jia le said, he wants to buy this! LOL

The gangs! I love you guys! =D

Me and darling! Ish, I look so damn weird. Hahahah!

Jia le! Hahaha, soon to be the boss of ?? Hahaha

Yes! I'm the ambassador of The Garden! I love this dress and this picture so much, like who doesn't right?? LOL

Ok, I gotta stop here first. Will be continue blogging tomorrow. I have to finish my TVB drama by today!

♥ Euphorie - éclatant

Soon to be TAYLOR-ian?

Yea, as I said I'm soon to be a TAYLOR-ian! Last Saturday, I went to TAYLOR UC to meet the counselor, looking for Business foundation. Thank goodness, they haven't shift to the Lakeside campus yet, or else, I'll just jump off from the cliff.
I was in Subang for the past 2 days, so I was able to meet the counselor. Mum wants to go to Asia cafe, which is just opposite Inti and Taylor. I saw TBS, but they had shifted to Bandar Sunway (Lakeside Campus)And yea, mum asked me to go and meet the counselor and get all the vital informations all by myself. So,I dragged my butt to their office to meet the counselor and get all the infos. It was not as bad as what they said in the education forum. In fact, Taylor-ians are quite friendly, and they're well-mannered. I feel comfortable chatting with the counselor. So, I'll be going for the second intake which is probably March and by that time, I have to go to the newly built campus to register myself.

Taylor's Lakeside Campus.

Besides Lake, Gardens, Hostel, there is also a (damn) grand hotel which will be manage by the students of Hospitality and tourism. *double WOW* No doubt, Taylor's Hospitality and Tourism are quite famous, besides Business studies =D I have to meet the counselor again by this week. About their twinning programme, I'm quite dissapointed at it. First, It's not Australia, but UK(It's not that I hate UK, but their expenses are damn high, SUPERB. And don't ever think of applying their PR over there, cause they are not going to approve any of the PRs' again. Second, Taylor's PR told me,Business Studies will be transferring to either USA or Australia, Shiat! Mum doesn't like it too, but I hope she won't change her freakin' mind again. At least, I have friends, like Joevin, Shawn,(except for that biatch) over there, and church member, like Auntie Peggy, Uncle Gaius staying at Bandar Sunway, so that they can take care of me.

Of course I did do some shopping after that. What for I came all the way down to Subang just to meet the counselor. What a waste if I don't shop kao kao*pfffbt*
I told myself I have to save up my money and don't even think of buying things,but in the end, I bought 2 headbands, 1 necklace and 2 clothes. Screw me*pfffbt* I'm broke now.

This is soooo adorable. It's worth to buy it !

I bought this at No Three No Four. Gawd, I just love their things =D

I also bought these 2 headbands. I love the one with the feather.
p/s: I look nice with headbands, seriously!

And there are another 2 clothes inside my bag. I'm so lazy to take it out from my bag, cause right now, I don't know where the hell I put my damn bag. Ishh. I'm going to shop for more bags and headbands on the next event, which is I-don't-know-when.
Heading down to Mid-Valley tomorrow, hahah, with my darlings and the gangs, of course, MiMi can't join us.

I miss MiMi!


I have many reasons to swear, of course, I will effing *ooops* control my tongue, xD

Holy crap! I changed my mind again, this time might be going to TAYLOR lakeside campus (cause TBS shifted to that new built campus) and I was like, WOW!


Shit, I'm broke now. I was in Subang Jaya for 2 days and shop non stop. I'm seriously broke now.


Crap, I wanted to drink alcoholic drinks right now!


Hell No ! I wanted to start my own e-business ( wanna make my own moni ), but everything is still in progress! Screw it, no resources at all.


WhattheEFF, I'm not in a blogging mood right now. Don't worry, I'll blog tomorrow, but not now.

Autumn's Concerto.

Current Music : Theme song of Autumn's Concerto

Gawd, this Taiwan drama is so touching. I cry whenever I watch this drama. Like, who doesn't watch this romantic drama right?? OMG, Van Ness Wu is so damn handsome ! I like the scene when he kiss and hug the girl. Gawd, that was so romantic * heart melt*
But most of the Taiwan drama has the same storyline. Rich kid loves a moderate girl, after that make their promise to each other that they will not leave each other no matter what. And then, the rich kid's parent disapprove their relationship, cause the girl is poor and bla bla bla(bullcraps). The rich kid's parent give her the money and ask her to stay away from their son,the girl then leave the boy without letting him know.
This is why I hate Taiwan Drama! The same old storyline =.=
I watch this drama cause I'm bored and mum was watching it. Well, at least this movie makes me believe that love fairytales are still exist after I went through some hard times.. *sad*

♥ Euphorie - éclatant

Seriusly Serious.

Current Music : Angels Cry by Mariah Carey ft Ne-Yo

Owh k, I've been cracking my damn head up to make my final decision.

Malaysia or Singapore?!

In the end, I still don't know. This is so crap, FML. Dad wants me to study abroad in Singapore, and mum was like , " No no! The living expenses/expenditures are very expensive.The fees are expensive also, as well as the foreign exchange rate. But if you really want, then you go and apply for the tuition grant!" Mum had actually planned everything, and I would go for HELP University College right after I take my results. And yea, no more A-Levels, but taking foundation in HELP UC. Some of them encourage me to go for Taylor's Business school cause they offer good Business Studies, as well as twinning programme offered by University of Adelaide. Well, the price are "good" also =.=, 19k for Business Foundation. HELP UC is also offering twinning programme as well ,International Business by University of Queensland! *gasp* No Joke, top university! Arghh, this is real damn stress. *smack head* Some even ask me to try INTI Subang's US programme 4+0 , International Business =.=

I just checked out Singapore's Polytechnic, and ya, the one and only NGEE ANN Polytechnic is offering international business *smack head* I feel like jumping off from the cliff. Well, since it's a new course, not many of the universities/colleges or Polytechnics offer the course that I'm interested in *big sigh*
Friends are getting lesser and lesser in Seremban, all stuck at KLand why the hell I'm still stuck in damn Seremban ?! Gees! Argh! So far, I only know that Aaron is going to HELP UC, second intake also.  So, who's going to HELP UC??
Gosh, I feel like dragging my butt to Taylor now. My friends are there, but of course different course la. Argh, If mum knows it, she'll shout her ass off straight at my face. *risky* She will get piss off if I change my mind again. Shiat!

I'm gonna miss MiMi, who is going to study next week =) Hahahaha!

♥ Euphorie - éclatant


Am still thinking Malaysia or Singapore?
But, definitely Singapore's Polytechnic U

Oh me gawd, this is so stress! *pray hard*

Far off place.

I won't look back, I can go the distance,
And I'll stay on track, No, I won't accept defeat,
It's an uphill slope, but I won't lose hope,
Till I go the distance, and my journey is complete.

♥ Euphorie - éclatant


Current Music : Sexy Love by Ne-Yo

Ish ish ish, I miss out the fun! It's Ne-Yo, babe!

Gawd, this is Ne-Yo !

I wanna to go to his LIVE concert so damn much! Too bad, it's on weekday,I can't make it! Shiat! I missed AAR last year, and I also missed Akon's LIVE concert! Sad case. Arghh! MuhHui just
sent me a picture that she took it from her hostel. Dayummm, the lights are still on, and they can hear Ne-Yo's voice so damn clear at their hostel =( Know what? I'm listening to Ne-Yo's song through Windows Media Player! Not fun!

Having make-up lessons today. *faint* My face! Arghh. Mum is one of Mary Kay's beauty consultant, as well as her friend, a beauty consultant also, but higher rank! *wink* Yay, so I'm having my first day of make-up lesson, and I'm one of my mum's student =.= And OMG, can't believe that I actually look pretty with simple make-up, but Nah~ So troublesome, gotta put foundation, eye cream, and then make-up remover, eye make-up remover etc etc. I still have to  know a lil bit of make-up basics since I'm going to college.  Yea, just as what my mum said, " I ask you to make-up not because of "fat hao", it's a way to show your politeness.Understand!?" Whenever I refused to make-up, she'll repeat the same thing, duh...=.= Ish! Make-up lessons will be continue on next week.

♥ Euphorie - éclatant


Current Music : Part of the list by Ne-Yo

Gosh, I feel like tearing up the calendar and throwing it into the dustbin when I know that I still have 2 months plus to get my SPM results. Half of my friends have started college, AUSMAT and A-level. And now, I'm stuck between A-level and Foundation in Business, argh! I was late for the registration (A-Level), and I can't go for the first intake, dang it! I'm going to Methodist College on March, yay, for my A-Level. Can't believe that the A-Level that I'm taking is 16 months, damn, 1 year + . After Methodist college, I might either go for HELP University (Ya,  I really need help now) or Taylor's UC, but LimKokWing is still my choice, cause most of them are having twinning program. This is the most important thing, TWINNING program.
Gosh, have to wait for the scholarship. Arghh, damn slow. Wow, can't believe WengErn is going to the same college with me, damn.
I should have done better in my trial exam, so I can get to apply for the damn scholarship and get my butt into college now. Gees, no use to regret now, *bang my head*

♥ Euphorie - éclatant


Current Music : Shut it down by Pitbull ft Akon

Man, I'm in a blogging mood right now! 3 posts in a day, gawd, I must be crazy! I don't know what is happening with SDO-X and also RAGNAROK ONLINE! I can't play both the online games. Arghh. it's driving me crazy! Dang it
Going to Subang this Saturday, yay, hunting for clothes(SALE ! SALE !). Going to EDUfair@MidValley with the girls, this Sunday.

I don't know why but I just love it whenever they play Pitbull's - Shut it down. This song rocks to the max yo. It's like every club play this song. *thumbs up*
Hahaha, EUPHORIA will be the next place for me after college starts. and BARcelona, anyone?

Gawd, so this is EUPHORIA. Man, I just love it so much!

Goodness Gracious! This is sooo big, I can't wait to dance, babe!

Ne-Yo is going to rock KL at Sunway Lagoon surf beach this Thursday. Oh...I wanna go but I can't make it, *pffft*

Tag! You're it.

Current Music : What ya want from me? by Adam Lambert
1. Last beverage : Apple Juice
2. Last phone call : Dad
3. Last text message : Darling Chow
4. Last song you listened to : Future Love by Kristiana DeBarge
5. Last time you cried : Last year, 14th of December

6. Dated someone twice : No. (I won't be that stupid)
7. Been cheated : Yes. (Screw that person kao kao)
8. Kissed someone & regretted it : No.
9. Lost someone special : Yes.
10. Been depressed : No, not anymore =D
11. Been drunk and threw up : Drunk? Yes ; Threw up? No

12. Yellow
13. Blue
14. Black

15. Made a new friend :Nope, waiting for mua college to start, and I can make new friends.
16. Fallen out of love : Ya, but that was last year
17. Laughed until you cried : Once in a blue moon.
18. Met someone who changed you : Ya, but that was last year also.
19. Found out who your true friends were : Yes, Darling Chow =), now and forever.
20. Found out someone was talking about you : There is always someone outside talking about me.
21. Kissed anyone on your bloglink list : Nope!
22. How many people on yourbloglink list do you know in real life : Some of them =)
23. How many kids do you want? : This is crap. I don't like children =.=
24. Do you have any pets : Yes, and I have 4 dogs in my house =x
25. Do you want to change your name : What's wrong with my name?
26. What did you do for your last birthday : Having performance during christmas day
27. What time did you wake up today : 6.30 in the morning
28. What were you doing at midnight last night : Blogging!
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for : College! Euphoria ! Hair-colouring
30. Last time you saw your Mother : Err... forgot.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Being material girl is every teenage girl's dream.
32. What are you listening to right now : Live like we're dying by Kris Allen
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom : Yes, Uncle Tom.
34. What's getting on your nerves right now : Stupid Ragnarok Online patch client! Dang it!
35. Most visited web page : Ragnarok Online website
36. Whats your real name : Charmain Chan Jo Ey
37. Nicknames : Prawn Mee.
39. Zodiac sign : Capricorn
40. Male or female : Female.
41. Elementary? : Christian School
42. Middle School? : Chinese school
43. High school/college? : Chinese school
44. Hair colour : dark brown
45. Long or short : short.
46. Height : 168cm.
47. Do you have a crush on someone? : Yes....!
48: What do you like about yourself? : I don't get drunk easily!
49. Piercings : 2 on the right
50. Tattoos : nope.
51. Righty or lefty : righty.

52. First surgery: No.
53. First piercing: standard 2
54. First best friend : Joanne Chin
55. First sport you joined : Swimming.
56. First vacation : Singapore!
58. First pair of trainers: No.

59. thinking something more simpler than 1+1 = : Dancing.
60. Drinking : nothing.
61. I'm about to : screw this damn tag , xD
62. Listening to : wah lai toi, ASTRO.
63. Waiting to : screw this damn tag again! xD
64. Want kids? : No!!
65. Get married? : Gawd, I don't even think of getting marry.
66. Career : Ya, international business analyst consultant!
67. Lips or eyes : eyes.
68. Hugs or kisses : hugs and kiises
69. Shorter or taller : taller
70. Older or younger : wtv.
71. Romantic or spontaneous : romantic.
72. Nice stomach or nice arms : arms
73. Sensitive or loud : loud
74. Hook-up or relationship : relationship
75. Trouble maker or hesitant : hesitant.

76. Kissed a stranger : Nope!
77. Drank hard liquor : Nope, but want to try!
78. Lost glasses/contacts : No!
79. Sex on first date : No. That's a hoe.
80. Broken someone's heart : No.
82. Been arrested : No.
83. Turned someone down : Ya.
84. Cried when someone died :Of course!
85. Fallen for a friend? : Ya, I miss him.

86. Yourself : Sometimes.
87. Miracles : Yes.
88. Love at first sight : Ya. I'm always into it.
89. Heaven : yes.
90. Santa Claus : yes.
91. Kiss on the first date : yes.
92. Angels : yes.

94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/ boyfriend at a time :No.
95. Did you sing today? : No.
96. Ever cheated on somebody's relationship? : No.
97. If you could go back in time, how far would go: I don't know, but Jesus knows.
98. If you could pick a day from last year,what would it be? : 251209
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? : Ya, err, long story... SAD case.
100. Posting this as 100 truths? : Of course, dumb nuts!

♥ Euphorie - éclatant

I tag everyone, it's up to you!


Gosh, it's the first day of school ( Not me, of course). I don't know why I woke up so early, and went to my brother's new school (MHSS). 18 new students, and all together 30 students in the school! Can you actually believe it? 30 students in that school. Man,this is unbelievable. I was damn shocked when I knew that there are only 7 of the FORM 5 students. Unlike my (sucks) school, 500++ students (Form 1- Form 5) ! But, I saw a lot of leng zais' (smart looks, elegant, well-attired) in my brother's new school. *OMG* Girls are quite pretty as well. I saw 2 leng luis'.

Now, I wonder when it's mua turn to go to college. It really stress me up when it comes to college issues, making decisions, and blah blah blah. I'm still thinking whether to take FORM 6 or FOUNDATION. Gawd, Why must I torture myself, I don't wanna suffer from high blood pressure just for the sake of Form 6. If I really have no other ways, I'll just get my butt stuck in Form 6 (Either St.Paul or Methodist High School Seremban).
When I browse the the internet about FOUNDATION , it really gives me a heart attack. S.A.M costs RM 40k and AUSMAT costs 50k. *OMG* I can buy thousands of clothes and bags with that sum of money!
Is Form 6 really that good? I'm not saying anything bad about Form 6, but is it necessary to go for Form 6?Everyone is taking Form 6 this year!  I the cert. is good and I know that for those who had finished their Form 6, they can go straight to (Hons.)Degree. Then, what if I fail my STPM?(I'm not a top student nor a stupid student) =.= Such a waste right?
Damn, why is it so difficult to find colleges that offer FOUNDATION in International Business? *smack head*


Banking and Finance investment or International Business?

♥ Euphorie - éclatant

See what you have miss!

This is crazy, I don't really know what is happening with my blog layout as the side bar just went down, below my posts. It crack my head to solve this *ahem* situation. Argh !
Anyway,I promised that I'll post the pictures up, yay, so here they are!

MIST @ Bangsar.

I shopped till I dropped!

The Killer Heels! Thought of buying this, but, I'm afraid the same thing might happen

The Bar is packed with clothes!

Bags and Bags ! I just love bags!

Blazer (leather), it only costs RM 45!

This I-don't-know-guy was buying tee. Actually, something attracted him. LOL

2 DJs went up the stage to show their talent, but actually Edward ( white shirt) is a professional hair stylist. You got the check out their blogsite (click)

Chillax! RM 5 per beer (mug) before 8pm.

LOL, I bought this leather bag from (clickey)
It attracted me when I shopped for bags, ya, it because of its chain thingy.

Gawd, I just love this! It can match with white tank and short denim.
p/s : I'm good at these, trust me. LOL

Ooh! Cupcakes! BEWARE : High sugar content, xD

I ate this and it was d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s!

Mei after then belanja us another 2 cupcakes, she said it was too sweet for her and she's getting hyper. I can get diabetes if I eat them 7 days in a row *gulp* No joke!

GoodBye, the MIST! Guess we'll meet some other day!

♥ Euphorie - éclatant


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