Shots of Viv and Family

Here's a gallery of shots of Viv and Family before and after the birth. My mother, Patricia (Nay-nay to Vivian and her other grandkids) arrived a week before Myryah's due date. It turns out that Vivian was 10 days late and we had to induce.

On the bright side, Mom was able to be there to witness the birth of Vivian. This was Mom's first opportunity at this, even though my sisters Kay, Pamela and Amanda have all been there/done that. As soon as Mom learned that Myryah was pregnant she told me that her one wish was to be with us for the birth of her grandchild. I had no problem with that, but I wanted to leave it up to Myryah. Mom was such a big help and added a higher level of comfort thanks to her experience.

If you're interested, you can watch a video we put together. It's a bit on the long side... more or less an experiment with our new video camera (thanks, Tom and Vera!!!) and iMovie. Great for friends and family but not really for public consumption.

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