Happy Birthday, Vivian!

Vivian was born a year ago on the 9th of September and we celebrated a little early this Sunday. Since her birth, she's grown about 9 inches in length, gained about 14 lbs, sprouted 10 teeth (including 2 upper molars) and eats just about everything. She has slightly more hair (so, not as many strangers saying, "hey there lil' fella"), and has developed a wonderful sense of humor (she laughs even when it's not so funny). She's also begun to crawl... still a little late on the walking. She can clap, wave, kiss, high-five, "bark" at dogs, play peek-a-boo, and recite the Preamble of the US Constitution.

We invited some of our friends for cake and ice cream plus, Myryah's parents were in town from Michigan. Thanks to all who could make it and we'll catch up with those who couldn't very soon, I hope.

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