Home Delivery -- Not Just for Chinese Food

We're counting down the weeks until Vivian's little sister arrives (7.5). We've decided to have the baby at home. About a year ago I saw a documentary called The Business of Being Born, about, well, how hospitals are businesses. The overarching question the documentary tried to answer is: Should most births be viewed as a natural life process, or should every delivery be treated as a potentially catastrophic medical emergency?

We've decided that we like the idea of a calm, healthy, drug-free (gulp) delivery in our apartment. We found a great midwife here in Brooklyn named Kristen. On her most recent visit Vivian was really curious about what she was doing to Mom. She watched intently as Kristen measured my belly and listened to the baby's heartbeat. Kevin's sister Pamela is also a midwife, and she'll be flying in from North Carolina for a few days around the estimated due date. We're crossing our fingers that little sister will decide to make the scene while Pamela is in town so she can catch her niece.

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