
Ramona Grace Irby

Born Monday, May 11th, 12:09 a.m. A healthy nine pound sweetheart.

Labor began at 9 p.m. Sunday evening as we were finishing dinner at our friends Juan and Naomi’s place… maybe it was the spicy curry? By the time we made it home and said goodbye to our babysitter I knew it was time to call Kristen, our lovely midwife. I got into the bathtub while Kevin bustled around the apartment getting towels and sheets ready and setting the mood. By 10 o’clock Kristen had arrived, labor was moving along briskly, and we moved into our bedroom. Vivian was sound asleep.

Kevin put some Max Richter on the iPod, lit a candle, and we got down to business. Ramona decided to play it cool until Mother’s Day (her estimated due date) was officially over. At midnight I knew it was time to push, and less than ten minutes later Kristen caught Ramona and placed her in my arms. Joy.

Here are a few photos.

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