Happy Marriage !

Current Music : Check It Out by Will.I.Am ft Nicki Minaj

Having 5 days of holidays are so damn awesome. Owh, can I have one and a half months of holiday? I just wish I can go back to school. AWESOME! 8D

Anyway,attended Uncle Isaac and Auntie Stephanie's wedding last Friday. Well I was supposed to go to SPCA with the girls but can't make it cause going down to PJ, and I have to be there like 4PM? Daayuumm! Helping out the Bride and the bridegroom with the registration and etc. Basically, my job is to ask those guest to sign their names. THAT'S ALL.

The guest Book.

Flowers for beauty .

Chill ;)

Oh Rosy!

The signatures.

6, is not my number, FYI.

Drank too much, cause no one wants to finish the whole big bottle =-/

The food is nice, they are so much better than my cousin's wedding dinner =S

p/s : Ivan, I'm starting to miss you right now =) <3 <3 <3


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