Shit happens.

Current Music :Bbiribbom Bberibbom by Co-Ed

First day of my AS exam, know what? I hate the first day of exam, like who doesn't right?! I heard people complaining here and there, this and that and whatever shit. Honestly speaking, shit happens on me every first day of exam, cause I might forget my Entry Form, Identity Card or my name tag or damn stationary etc. The invigilator might just kick my ass out from the examination hall if I don't have any of these craps. Thank goodness, I was reminded by Li Yin. Oh by the way, just bare with me if I start swearing like mad, cause it's actually a ranting post.

C1 and C2 started at noon, and everyone was so damn happy about C1. And I heard people saying that they will score 75/75 for C1 by just glance through the book for 5 to 20 minutes. I was like, Okay, what the fuck?! I mean there's nothing wrong if you are a real smart ass genius dude; but if you're not (just like me), PLEASE! SHUT THE FUDGE UP. GET YOUR ASS ON THE CHAIR. AND START DOING A LIL BIT OF REVISION INSTEAD OF STANDING THERE TALKING SHIT.Ewwwwwww!
Damn! I don't know why I always have problem with maths, maths, maths! FML! I did a hell lot of past year papers, and I even went to youtube site for CALCULUS tutorial. But C1 was not as what I expected, kinda disappointed. I mean, I did put my effort and try my best to do as much as I can, and I even score high marks for my past year, but when it comes to real/major exams (from British councils) it fucked me up real hard.
What more can I say ?! This is so unfair and I'm mad angry at it, and abbreviations doesn't help anymore, so


Not to forget my business studies paper, it starts at 6.45pm and ends at 8pm.'s seee....*counting* 1 hour and 15 minutes, 1 FUCKING HOUR AND 15 FUCKING MINUTES. What a joke! Who can write every single key words out within 1 hour and 15 minutes?! Seriously, I can't ! Not because I'm dumb or stupid, it's because I need to read the questions carefully and sort out the key words! If we are given extra 15 minutes, I bet my ass that I can score back 6 marks out of 12 marks for my last damn question. Fuck yeah, have to resit this paper again on JUNE! There goes my miserable life!

Economics paper? Oh whoa! It's very very crazy, I must say. My structure questions just doomed to hell. Might consider to retake economics as well. HOLY SHIT!

Gees, 4 down 1 to go, MACROECONOMICS! Damn, I hate this unit and the last question for this unit carries 30 marks. 30 FUCKING MARKS! Can die, I tell you.


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