Apple iPhone 4 now available in white color

apple iphone 4 now available in white

Today Apple finally released the WHITE iPhone 4. Long overdue, the white iPhone 4 models are available immediately from the Apple Online Store and at Apple Retail Stores, AT&T and Verizon Wireless stores, and select Apple Authorized Resellers. Apple fans rejoice - the balance of good/white and evil/black has been restored once again!

Apple iPhone 5 feature summary infographic

Check out this rad info-graphic detailing possible iPhone 5 features and the likelihood of their appearance in the Apple's next highly anticipated headset...

Image courtesy of

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Apple iPhone 5 rumors compilation
More iPhone 5 rumors and evidence leaked
Apple iPhone 5 concept picture gallery

Apple iPhone 5 concept picture gallery

What iPhone 5 might look like...

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For more iPhone 5 rumors and mockups visit Apple iPhone 5 rumors compilation and More iPhone 5 rumors and evidence leaked.

Parachute ; Kiss me slowly

I'm loving this song. Awwwww.... what a lovely guy he is =D Not a handsome guy tho, but I just love guy like this, Normal; simplicity; decent look; that's all I want, not much.
Oh, and he eyes are mesmerizing too :)

Skins, are you?

Random thoughts.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror,
Why am I doing this to myself?
Losing my mind on a tiny error,

I nearly left the real me on the shelf...

It's okay not to be okay...
Sometimes it's hard, to follow your heart.
Tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising,
Just be true to who you are.

Lamasi Cafe.

Current Music :Go Away by 2NE1

Hello people.

Have not been updating my blog for the past few weeks. I was busy with my trials exam and it really kills me. I really need extra hours, like another extra 48 HOURS, can I? AS/A2 exam in another 3 weeks time, I don't know what to do besides study that bloody fudge thick ass economics reference book, which costs me RM189. Bloody expensive. Okay, whatever , I have gone too far.  OUT OF TOPIC.

Anyway, it's a random outing with the bunch. So, someone planned to go LAMASI CAFE @ fahrenheit, since we got the coupon. If anyone of you want to know how we got these coupons (Yea, I bet you want to know, cause it's really worth it), just click here - GROUPON MALAYSIA . Credits to Jeffrey, for helping us with the coupon. Here are some pictures that I took randomly. Not many, but it's memorable =P

My favorite Mocha Frescato and Lamasi Green Salad ;)
The Twin sisters =P
Baby Doll and Blondie ;)

Li Yin and Li Ying.

Frescato is love. AWESOOOME!

Li Yin, Li Ying & Alya ;) Bonjour, Alya! =D

We love LAMASI CAFE ! =D
Dude! LOOK here for a minute! xD

Your's Truly <3
with her favorite

Awww maan! Baby doll is soooo cute to be bully la ... <3

"Dai ka jie" weiii...! She's too smart, cannot bully her! xD

 1,2,3,4, tadaaa!

Cheerios, LAMASI CAFE! =D

Rating 5/10

Since we still got time for movie, the bunch decided to watch SOURCE CODE (starring Jake Gyllenhaal), too bad, the seating time for that movie is 4.15. So, we changed to LIMITLESS. Not a boring nor exciting movie, storyline so-so, not as good as INCEPTION. This movie is about some transparent button-like drugs/pill that Bradley Cooper took and it stimulates his brain, and he can do everything in one day without eating/feeling tired. Ei, if they got the NZT48 pills/drugs in Malaysia, I don't mind spending my money on that shit, can score A* for my exams weii, without reading those thick ass books for hours & hours, hours can turn into minutes. DANG =-/ By the way, I don't feel like going to college tomorrow. FML. Ciao for studies now.


Simian Mobile Disco

simian mobile disco
Simian Mobile Disco

Enjoy Simian Mobile Disco a band from England that specializes in Club, Disco and Electro House music. Some of SMD's most popular singles have been featured in such video games as: FIFA 08, Grand Theft Auto IV, and DJ Hero 2.

Origin: London, England
Members: James Ford, Jas Shaw
Genres: club, electro house, disco
Years active: 2005 – present

Bestselling CDs:


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Daft Punk

Dear, oh dear

Dear, oh Mechanics,

Why are you not co-operating with me? ='(
Don't disappoint me, will ya? =")
screw you.

To you, my boy.

Nobody ever make me feel this happy before, but you did.
How I wish YOU would appear on my doorstep, and said :" I miss you so much, so I cam to see you."
How I wish YOU would kiss me every morning, and said :" I love you, have a nice day."
How I wish YOU are the first person I see every morning I wake up.
How I wish YOU would hug me and never let me go.


One of my all time favourite Korean music.
If any girls are being treated like what the guy did in the music video, I make sure I'll break his neck!  *pfffbt* =-/

Accounts, why you bully me?

Dear accountings,

I don't love you anymore, cause you bully me ='( 
I try to date you on a regular, but you rejected me.

Everybody look to the left; everybody look to the right.

Current Music: Who you are by Jessie J

The love ones just came back few weeks ago. I called the gang out and had tea session with Shyuan, Dar-LING and Min Yuan, and we tagged Jacky and Wai Sing along. Dang, they came and started to promote their direct selling products, wth?! No wonder la, so that was their motivation! To kill our boredom while waiting for others to arrive, we took some pictures, using Dar-LING's iphone 4! Damn, I love her phone la, so many apps which Android can't support =-/

 Me and Min Yuan, love =D

 I like the 1st, 2nd and 4th picture, the 3rd one was like....Ohhh boy=-/
Min Yuan's poses were the same xD!

 Hmmm, girl, you look pretty!

 Your's truly!
Perfecto! ;)

 Ughhh crap! Our timing sucks.
I dislike the 1st and 2nd picture. They said I look like a mouse/ sugar glider! =-/
wth, my face expressions? xD

 Min Yuan and Dar-LING.
AND! We lost Shyuan weii =-/

 AWESOME! 1st and 2nd picture (Y) , but 3rd and 4th totally crap!

 Bei Li called me a - "BIG FACE freak" 

 This 2 ladies taking picture without me and Shyuan =-/

 Thank goodness, I was not biting my finger nails! xD

 Some I-don't-know drink in OLDTOWN Kopitiam,
but I always have it.

 Girl, you abandoned me!

 Cute weiii! But she still complaint it *shakes head* xD

 What was I doing? 

 Miss, can I have your phone number? :)
Hahahaa! LOL!
Perfect picture! ;) 
 Wai Sing drove us to City Park, cause the other half of the gang were there playing the badminton 


 I'm running out of captions. 
Can't think of any other captions.

 I see no ducks. =-/
Only tortoise and CHEAP koi fish.

 Your's truly here ;)

Okay, so the Karaoke session was a last minute thing, we were so boring so we decided to sing our lungs out. It was a fun day with the love ones. All the retarded pictures we took, and girl secrets we always talk about, relationship problems, it really reminds me of high school . =D


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