They are safe but they are not in their homes

Current Music : Marry you by Bruno Mars

I don't know where to start, but I've got so many things to blog like I promised I would blog more often. Guess, it's just some bollocks coming out from my mouth =-/ Anyway, let's not waste any time here. I've got some photos taken during the GAMES CARNIVAL and FUND RAISING,which was for the Moral Studies project and we spent most of the time doing craps here and there =-/. One week before our qualifying assessment , how crap is that =-/

Gees, so here's the fund raising photos.

 I screwed up Jeffrey's store xP

Spot anything yet?

 No? Not yet?

 Me and baby Doll ;)

 Nasty pose for these cute little dolls, I'm such a creative person ;) 

 Try to spot something here, then you will know why I LOL-ed! xP

 Awwww, cute teddy! (Well, actually, it's not cute at all =-/) Hahaha!

Me and Jeffrey, the China man supplier ;)

Surprisingly, the games carnival was not as bad as what I thought. We are having so much fun with the Myanmar Refugee Kids =D They are so adorable and charming =D

 Me and Sweet Pea ;) Cacat-ed umbrella =-/

 What do you want, hah?!

Coco, Sweet Pea, Your's truly, The GOSSIPER and Baby Doll ;)

He is a good boy =] He won the first prize =D
Look at those kids behind, they are having so much fun playing our games ;)

 Want some....


 Me and Sweet Pea again. We both look pretty in this picture ;) Thanks DSLR.

 Me and Ooi Ning =D

 Oh boy, look at Steph's expression? Funny much! LOL!

Golden fish, aren't they look cute? =D

 Jump shot, which I love the most! Dang, look at me! =D

Jump with me, will ya love? ;)

That's all for today, gotta get back to books, they are calling me now. *pfffbt* 


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