Mladic arrest does not cause large tweeting in Belgrade

Despite news that Ratko Mladic was arrested in Serbia, we see very little activity in Twitter activity in Belgrade Serbia. Levels of around 2 out of 100 on our scale are more inline with smaller African cities than Europe. For example in Madrid protest we are seeing levels of 95-99. In Lagos Nigeria we normally seeing scores of about 80.

These low levels of tweeting in Serbia are opposed to the fact the story is trending in Twitter globally.

The New York Times
Top Tweet
BBC Breaking News
Top Tweet
Tadej Peršič
roel wauters
EPP Group
Njuz Net
Sarah Gray
Ms Biscuit Sea Star
Sherif Makhlouf
Stephan Dekker
George Knottnerus
Abdel Razak Chraou
Ringaile Bulatovic
Hevallo Azad

So we are seeing a global event about Serbia more than a event inside of Serbia on Twitter.

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