Using twitter to track airport congestion

The Easter holiday the Web 3.0 Lab is using twitter mapping to estimate relative crowd size in Heathrow and Gatewick airports. The maps and meter below show that starting Thursday the level of human traffic at Heathrow seems much higher than at Gatewick.  People often tweet when bored or before going on a voyage so an airport is an excellent area to test.

Map of tweets on Thursday morning at Heathrow Airport created with the HAPP app by
The clima meter score from gives a real time number between 0 and 100 for the level of tweeting in an area.  0 indicates almost no tweeting while 100 would indicate extremely high levels of tweeting.  We are using the clima meter to track the rise and fall in tweeting in the two airports.

Map for the same time period for Gatewick, showing the airport is less crowded.
Use the meter to track real time tweeting intensity from Gatewick as well, levels have been low indicating a lower traffic level in the airport.  

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