Mobile social media at the Diamond Jubilee

Map of current tweets and Foursquare trending sites at Thames flotilla as today's Diamond Jubilee celebrations for the Queen.  You can see a clear concentration of foursquare activity on the river.

We are tracking volumes of social media from mobile devices at or near the Queen's Jubilee flotilla.  Levels are high, but terrible weather is probably reducing the amount of tweeting and checkins we are seeing.  Though a clear pattern of Foursquare checkins on the flotilla route has emerged.

Tweeting levels are on the river high for a rainy cold day in London.
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If you want to know how much this event means to many ordinary people in the UK, just misspell 'Jubilee' in to twitter or instagram, it gives you a very moving set of tributes to a loved Monarch free of news, advertising or other PR talk.

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