Christmas MODE.

Current Music : Who dat girl by Flo Rida ft Akon

Merry Christmas everyone. Yup 5 more days till Christmas, and of course it's my 18th Birthday =-/ 
Went down to PJ for Christmas dinner, the food were awesome , I must say. Hmmmm, Aunty Pensey is good in cooking, love her Rendang a hell lot! Warm greetings from Uncle Gaius, Uncle Chris and Family, Aunty Peggy and Family, and etc. I do not know what is inside my christmas box, however, I am not gonna unwrap my gift till christmas ends. It is my own traditional way xD

Spend the whole day in Sunway Pyramid with Tracy. Dang, wanted to skate but was wearing shorts. So, better not. And of course, we walk to Asia Avenue as I was told by Tracy that cheap clothes are everywhere, so why not have a look at it? Too bad, none of the clothes caught my eyes, except for bags and other phone accessories. Bought some Manicure thing, and beauty products from Beauty Credit

Not very happy about the whole shopping thing, cause I didn't buy any clothes. It's quite difficult for me to choose the clothes. Some of the designs like High waist shorts, maxi dress, rompers/jumpsuit, Harem pants, it makes my ass looks big so I can't simply wear them out. Have to think twice or more before I buy these designs. That's the problem. 4 hours of shopping, I probably can get nothing. So think twice if you really really really want to shop with me. LOL ! Wanted to buy that cardigan at Cotton On, but I look weird on it. So, fail again. =-/

Christmas eve and Christmas for the next post ;)

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