Look what I've done.

Current Music: Hold my hand by Akon ft Michael Jackson

Oh my, it's 1/1/11 now. How fast?! One more week to go, I'll be sitting in the damn college hall, cracking my damn head, thinking how to finish my Economics paper within one and a half hour. Can't focus at all, FML.
Anyway, that's not the point. Let's not rant since it's a new year- 2011. =D

*Thinking* Hmmm, Let me recap what I have done in 2010:-

Get my ass into a college -CHECKED
dye my hair - LOSER
get all the 4 damn As' for exam -LOSER ( fail Econs, wtf?!)
Get my driving license - LOSER
Earn $$ - LOSER

Ohmyfark! Can you see how many losers I got? Hmmmm, it's not a good, have to do some improvements. 2010 has gone, and here comes the 2011, NEW RESOLUTIONS. No more shits for 2011.

  • As' for London AS exam
  • No more bad habits/attitudes
  • Finish my Grade 2 (drum) within 3 months
  • Hand in my assignments in time
  • Finish all the assignments
New WISHLIST 2011 :-


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