BBC News - Facebook adds Skype video chat feature

"Facebook has announced a partnership with Skype to add video chat to the social networking site.

The move is likely to be seen as a shot across the bow of Google, which recently launched a Facebook rival, Google+, also featuring video calling.

This is not the first time Facebook and Skype have teamed up - they already share some instant messaging tools.

Skype is in the process of being bought by Microsoft, which is a major shareholder in Facebook.

The new video-call service was launched by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, who also revealed that the site now had more than 750 million users."

Well we have Skpe and we have Facebook. It might be nice that the link between the two will now take 1 second rather than the traditional second. But it is possible now just to open Skype and Facebook and go between the two. So merging them is a quick win but for most advanced user it really offers little. In fact given the excellence of the Google+ Facebook will have to do much more than just add more Microsoft services to impress us.

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