Tracking the intensity and density of tweets coming from outside Stauss-Kahn house arrest in New York City.
New York City is always a major hub for mobile device tweeting, but it will be interesting to see if the High Density reading rises above 90 as news of the possible collapse of the case against his reaches raises interest in his case.
Just for context, during the royal weeding we saw the tweeter scores for central London reach 99 with the high density score of 97. Out of scale of 100 these are the highest scores we have yet seen for a sustained event. It is unlikely the fate of the former IMF head will produce that kind of mass traffic, but it will be very interesting to see just how high tweeting goes.
Also remember it is Friday and Strauss-Kahn is living outside of Wall Street. So the army of journalist parked by his house is likely to be "out tweeted" traders just lining up this afternoon's drinks.
Not surprising a story like this involving sex and power is popular on Twitter. The #DSK hashtag is seeing a lot of posts already, we anticipate it will go up during the day.
ossakierkegaard Ossa Kierkegaard
#DSK: 'Doubts' over maid's credibility -
BBC News - Dominique Strauss-Kahn: 'Doubts' over maid's credibility
I doubt DSK´s cedibility, didn´t he also lie about earlier ´abuse-mishaps´Victor_Desmet Victor Desmet
Comme toujours, l'affaire #DSK est pleine de magouilles. En un mois, il passe de la prison à la liberté comme ça.
shugyosha66 axel bartoli
Dans la nuit, l'innocence de DSK a giclé au visage de Bernard Debré.” #DSK via @UmitPehlivan lol
nbyward john ward
#Lagarde elected as new IMF boss. 3 days later, #DSK case collapses. How convenient. Read how #Slog nailed it.....
The Strauss-Kahn Waltz | The Slog
opheliewallaert Ophélie Wallaert
A 11h15 sur @europe1fr, l'avocat pénaliste Pierre Hourcade répond à vos interrogations sur l'affaire #DSK
Posez ici toutes vos questions sur laffaire DSK - - International
SirrDeLuxious SirrDeluxious
Grace a l'affaire #DSk on voit clairement la facon de pnser en Fce : ke des jugements de valeurs (ca saurait si on etait des Saints) WTF ?
Eric_Claxon Eric Claxon
@Anti_Nanti Confirmation Le mariage a Monaco est maintenu#DSK #UMP #douillet cherche une secretaire pour voyage au US #Morano a refusé
cyndibrillhart Cyndi Brillhart
While #DSK might have been set up, can we agree ahead of time that Ben Stein and Bernard- Levi are still on the yuck list?
lolofou2foot LorenzoC
Le procureur de NY qui voulait surfer sur l affaire se retrouve avec un baton merdeux #DSK
rogermadec Roger MADEC
Dominique Strauss-Kahn: Coup de théatre dans l affaire DSK
#dsk coup de théatre nafissatou diallo serait liée a un trafic de drogue#rtChousse Chousse
parait que c'est la salle de bain de #dsk en musique
Dailymotion - #05 WE WERE EVERGREEN | SCENE DE BAIN (Saison 2) - une vidéo Music
Twitter has played a key role in this case, with French tweets suspiciously reporting the case before New York police even arrested him. If this case collapses it will certainly be taken as further proof of the corruption of modern political process.
The anarchist instincts still surviving on the Internet will certainly go online to express their fear that courts and public opinion was manipulated by some combination of banking, French politics, IMF, and Africa Mafia.
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