Google+ Traffic Falls 60% and that is Fine by Google

"Traffic to Google+ spiked 1,200% in the first few days following its public launch Sept. 20, but has since plummeted by 60%, according to a report from a data analytics company.

Chitika tracked Google+ traffic before and after the social networking service opened its gates to all users.

“The data shows that, on the day of its public debut, Google+ traffic skyrocketed to peak levels. But, soon after, traffic fell by over 60% as it returned to its normal, underwhelming state,” Chitika says of its findings, as illustrated in the chart below."

Google+ Traffic Falls 60% After Spike at Public Launch

Seems that actually the public launch drove a mass of people to take a look, but the headline in Mashable was a bit misleading though the article was not. Google+ continues to be the fastest growing social network of all times.

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