Twitter from Occupy Rome

Cluster of Tweets left in Occupy Rome violence
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These red birds show the area where protests turned violent in Rome today.  The cluster of red tweets are from the location of the most intense tweeting.  

 silvia salgado 
Hearing helicopters in . Things haven't calmed down yet 
So Italians finally decide to stop being lethargic for one second, and look what happens.  
 Thomas Magnum™ 
Don't believe the hype, erano una 30ina.Casco nero e dentro il nulla. Il problema è che ne bastano 30 per fare questo.   
FOTO : Protestas en las calles de Roma, Italia  
 Taghreed Hussien 
Fight & Chaos: First video of ' rally turning violent
 Carmen A. Coleman 
Indignados de Roma fueron penetrados por personas enmascaradas. Prendenfuego a edificiopúblico.   
 Stephanie Kennedy 
As the Occupy movement continues to go global, a violent faction of anarchists infiltrates . Highly organized group(s).

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