Tracing #OPDX with Twitter

Tweets coming from Portland Occupy protest and area 
We are trying to pin down the location of protesters in Occupy the Portland Dock. The hashtag is #OPDX. They are using social media to coordinate a flash mob while keeping their location secret, but from the map of recent tweets its pretty clear to see spot they seem to be collecting.

Salmon Street and Waterfront Park


RT : Probably about 300 people here now at fountain at Salmon Street and Waterfront Park. 

We can confirm a crowd in this area.  We see about 6 tweets, which would be in line with either a crowd of a few hundred people or a few very active tweet geeks.


Walking past Chapman/Lownsdale. Can see crowd & flags at waterfront. Big crowd at SW Naito & Salmon! 

The interesting thing is we can compare a photograph to a cluster of tweets.  The above map shows the tweeting at Salmon and SW Natio for a crowd of this size:

Photo from @diedotcom.

We also see what seems to be a large group of people tweeting in Pioneer Square, which are not sure if it is related to the protest or just a nice day.  The weather is obviously pretty bad today so not sure why a crowd could collect in Pioneer Square tweeting unless it was being used by people related to Occupy.

We have a live steam coming from livestream:
Watch live streaming video from occupyptown at

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