Tweeting map at Occupy shutdown of Long Beach Port

Above is a mapping of tweets coming from the port in Long Beach California.  A semantic drill down slows a large amount of tweeting about the occupy movement in the area.

The above map shows the location of heavy tweeting in Long Beach port, with the map below showing the features.

Location of tweets on South Harbor Scenic Drive shows the protests are occupying the street, as confirmed by police.

We are following the tweet #12D

 nathan c bowser 
again, its not a protest in portland until someone starts w the Hulla Hoops! Keep the spirits high   
If we can do this let's have a world wide wildcat strike next! 
 Liza Sabater 
RT : Best sign ever: Pike pepper spray cut-out.    
 Steve Rhodes 
  mentions  will be streaming from  around noon     
 Dear Cohen 
Motorcycle cops driving up the side. Are they going to block is in? 
 Ryan Devereaux 
I see  and (I think)  in cuffs. Appear to be 14 in custody. The atrium is covered in police. 
RT : Port workers telling us that gate 558 is open. They want us to shut it down.  #00 
 Ehse Records 
 Mikal Jakubal 
  Port shut down dance party. For now...
 Jeanvieve Jones 
What's so great about The Occupy Movement is it's port-able.  
 Laurie Penny 
Chant from inside van- 'whose tweets? Our tweets!' (people arrested for tweeting)  
 Robert Hapgood 
A bunch motorcycle cops moving out  
RT : Dozens of trucks idling.    

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