Crowds mapped by Twitter and Foursquare

FRIDAY, 18 NOVEMBER 2011 Occupy Protest moves towards Brooklyn Bridge

In a world of mobile Internet and social networks Twitter and Foursquare give us the ability to map large crowds and events.  These images are taken from some of the largest crowds and events we have tracked over the past six months.  These images were made with Happ tool.  
WEDNESDAY, 25 JANUARY 2012 One Year Anniversary of Tahrir revolt in Cairo
FRIDAY, 20 JANUARY 2012 San Francisco Occupy Protest
MONDAY, 19 MARCH 2012 London Web Summit
MONDAY, 27 FEBRUARY 2012 Barcelona Mobile World Conference
SUNDAY, 5 FEBRUARY 2012 The Super Bowl!

SATURDAY, 17 MARCH 2012 Saint Patrick's Day in Dublin
THURSDAY, 22 MARCH 2012 Toulouse France just after  Mohamed Merah's death

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