Mapping tweets and foursquare from London Social Media World Forum

The maps of tweets and foursquare for the hour up till noon at Social Media World Forum London made with the happ tool. 
We are using our Happ app to map tweets and foursquare trends as #SMWF in real time today.   

Morning of Wednesday 28 March 2012 at the London Social Media World Forum.  Map made with the happ app tool from  Map current twitter and foursquare levels anywhere in the world.
Over the morning of March 28 a large cluster of tweets and foursquare checkins are forming around Olympia for the London Social Media World Forum.  The tweets next to the Olympia are from people getting off the train for the conference.  People like to tweet in train stations.  

An interesting pattern as the conference moves in to the second day of people tweeting in a neat line, perhaps where seating is arranged?
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