Android's stunning rise!

"Google’s Android chief Andy Rubin tweeted this morning to announce that Google is now activating 500,000 devices each day, a 100,000 increase since it’s last announcement at Google I/O in May."

We think our love for the Android OS has come across pretty clear. We have only been using the OS for about 6 months but its hard for us to even think of life without it. Presently in our research and development are take on Android and testing is as follows:

1. First test on Android
2. Then test on as many Android devices as you can find
3. Only if it passes Android testing do you start iPhone testing.

500,000 devices activated per days is not a true indication of the number of users. Between the 3 key members of the Web 3.0 Lab we use a total of 6 Android devices. We have 4 Android tabs and 2 phones. But its unlikely that most users have more than 1 or 2 devices. So we can assume that probably 400,000 users are coming to the Android platform a day and growing.

To put this in perspective, at this rate Android would would get 3 million users a week. It would take Android far less than a year to match the size of Facebook, and we anticipate Android will grow even faster later this year.

Android simply has it all: its robust, its light weight, it links to Google and with 1 Billion Google user accounts it already has much of your stuff, and its pretty open, easy to code for and not exclusive. As a platform it is faster, more stable, and more expendable than iOS. Blackberry, Microsoft and Symbian are either not serious alternatives to it.

As more and more small devices begin to expand it becomes harder and harder to see device makers not going for Android. Soon there will be 20 Billion devices online, most of them will be machines with no human intervention. We anticipate that Android will be the OS of androids. When you oven and heater are online are you really going to want to pay Microsoft a license fee? And technically who really is more excellent? Does anyone thing that any firm will get there first?

Wave and Google Docs may have faltered before the rise of SharePoint, but in a deeper way Microsoft is in real danger of becoming second class before Android.

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