So MeeGo is truly dead, Nokia seems to think so

Nokia Ovi Store
We have been watching MeeGo as a possible alternative to Android, but have found the UI too constraining. People seem to just want a mobile OS as a surface for Apps. Nokia seems happy to trash the project:

The moment Nokia realised its Ovi Store wasn't going to cut the mustard | Technology | "It includes the moment on 3 January this year when Nokia's chief development officer Kai Oistämö shared his concerns with Elop about the MeeGo OS, which had been jointly developed with Intel. 'It was truly an oh-shit moment – and really, really painful to realise where we were,' says Oistämö. 'MeeGo had been the collective hope of the company, and we'd come to the conclusion that the emperor had no clothes. It's not a nice thing.'"

For those of you who never heard of MeeGo (which should come as no surprise given the failure of the product), here is an introduction video:

Its sad to see a Linux based open source mobile OS losing out to Google's Android. Microsoft must also be worried as MeeGo looks a lot like Windows Mobile 7 and Windows 8. This kind of highly structured UI makes a nice demo, but may lack the flexibility for use.

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