Occupy San Francisco January 20th

Using our clima.me technology we tracked the intensity of mobile tweets with geo-locations through the day of January 20th 2012 as Occupy was carrying out a major protest against a number of banks.  These maps start from latest to earliest, showing how the protest built up to a major 'publishing' even by observers and participants at the Occupy event.
Tweets mapped for about 10 am to 1 pm local time in San Francisco. Tweeting has remained concentrated where Occupy in San Francisco was staging a major event.  
Map made with the clima.me geo-mapping technology.

A closer look at tweets collecting around through the day at Occupy San Francisco.  This map was created for around 9 am to 12 am around the main protest.
Map made with the clima.me geo-mapping technology.

As the day progressed we saw the demonstration as a clear cluster of tweets in the map of San Francisco. This map from between 9 to 11 am shows the cluster forming around 555 California. Map made with the clima.me geo-mapping technology.

At the start of the day we saw cluster of tweets emerging from San Francisco Financial District where a Occupy protest was planned. This cluster was for mobile tweets from 7am to 9am on the 20th of January.  You can  see a group forming around 555 California. Map made with the clima.me geo-mapping technology.
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