Map of geo-tagged tweets in Tahrir Square Jan 25 morning. Created with the tool |
Each red bird indicates a geo-tagged tweet over the past hour and its location. Tweets without geo-tags are now mapped. The more birds in a location and the darker they become. Notice that in the center of Tahrir Square there are a large number of people tweeting their geo-location, indicating a large crowd collected there.
Using our tweeter meter tool we are getting score of over 90 out of 100, which for a city like Cairo are very high. Such scores are more in line with cities like London or New York.
Following the twitter hashtag #Tahrir we can see that a lot of web data is flowing out of Cairo right now on the one year anniversary of the revolution that changed the world, inspiring people from India to Madison and perhaps leading to the Occupy movement.
some great pics of #tahrir street art from @Selnadeem… Follow #Tahrir… as well
#Egypt #Tahrir وظائف: مطلوب بائعين وبائعات للعمل بمحل حلواني بمصر الجديده ومدينة نصر
Thousands march from Shubra chanting "freedom" and "enough" #E...… #Egypt #Tahrir #Noscaf #Jan25 #Cairo via @LaurenBohn
#tahrir@egypt@25jan#H#تم خروج العقيد أركان حرب- عمرو جميل محمد بعد قضاء مدته حيث كان محكوم عليه بسنة وباقى الضباط...
Emotional day#Jan25 for many #Egyptians remembering #Tahrirsquare 2011amid concerns about #Egypt economy…
Parait qu'elle est sympa @TangiSalaun: @ClaudeGuibal a reçu le Prix 2011 de la presse diplo pr sa couverture des événements #Tahrir #Egypte
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