Are London Mosques Being Attacked, Social Media Tracking

Harrow Mosque where there are reprots on Twitter of a Mosque attacked. During the riots tweets reached the high 60s on our scale to 100. Such levels for a Monday night are extremely high.

Whitechapel Mosque where there have been reports of attacks on a Mosque. This is a major urban area with a large art community, but tweeting of 80 to 90 on our scale is very high for the middle of the night.

With great concern we are reading reports of Mosques in London being attacked. In both cases we can see a lot of tweets coming from the area around the Mosque. We hope this is Muslims trying to protect their Mosques. This opens up a major potential danger if the rioting starts involving hate attacked.

Aaron Kiely
Everything EDL
Josie Ensor
Ruwayda Mustafah
Charlotte Cooper
Richard Hall
Ruwayda Mustafah

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