Reports are coming in that rioting and lotting has happened in Birmingham. We are currently see unusually high surge of tweeting over 80 on the This is high for any medium sized city on a Monday night.
Reports are coming that twitter is being used as a tool by the protestors. We can confirm that tweeting is rising before and at riots. Most of this tweeting is probably concerned residents, but there is a chance that people are using social networks to coordinate this. In the Middle East social networks were used to make agile protests that could run circles around the police. The same thing is happening today in London with thugs imposing terror on the city with a combination of mobile phones and bikes.
mikeashworth Mike Ashworth
running commentary and photos of rioting in
pwnolan pwnolan
London riots are starting to look scary. Come on people, are you really achieving anything? #birmingham
_Gregwatson Greg Watson
I just hope the #riots in #Birmingham doesn't escalate - I would be v.upset if the cricket was canceled! @Swannyg66 @kevinpp24
#Birmingham is going through a major redevelopment scheme with millions of £ ploughed into the region - so you go and destroy it? #clueless
“@BeckyJohnsonITV: Things being thrown, shop fronts smashed, riot police out in force #birmingham #riots @itvcentral”
hallamfmnews Hallam FM News
#riots in #Birmingham have been confirmed! Shops have had windows smashed in and phone shops have been looted!
PaulJonesVIP Paul Jones
Kicking off in #Birmingham shops being ransacked
mikeashworth Mike Ashworth
how are things in #birmingham right now, all quiet or rioters causing havoc still?
Popbangcolour Ian Cook
I would say choosing to wear a dark hooded top was a bad call tonight. Really really hope that #Birmingham doesn't remain like this.
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