High tweeting after Tottenham riots in London

Update: Over the day we have the level of tweeting at Tottenham riot site decline and is now below many of the areas around it, which given the street is mostly closed is what you would expect.

Today tweeting in North London was highly concentrated around Tottenham where there was a major riot last night. This morning there were a number of burned cars and many shops in the area have been burned out. Part of North London looks like a war zone. Watch to see what happens tonight. Again we have been in a position to report live from it.

I was able to put my camera inside the broken window of the H&M which was left unguarded. Photos by Gail Orenstein/Web 3.0 lab/clima
The Boots on High Road was left unattended, there was no police anywhere, hours after it happened. Photo by Gail Orenstein/web 3.0 lab/clima
The Boots in Wood Green High Road was damaged from several sides. This photo was taken almost five hours after the damage was done. The lack of police presence was shocking as anyone could have made there way into these shops as they were left unattended and they had not been cordoned off yet. Photo by Gail Orenstein/web 3.0 lab/clima
There was devastation was down many side streets in Wood Green. What was even more shocking was the absence of police hours after the riots and destruction made its way to Wood Green. Photo by Gail Orenstein/web 3.0/clima

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